This post has nothing to do with crafting but I thought I'd share a few random thoughts. I'm sitting under our apricot tree enjoying the nice shade--shade is very valuable in Utah summers. Yep, it gets hot here (99 f today) because Utah is a desert. The weather has to be one of the biggest misconceptions people have of Utah--particularly that it is snowy most of the year. I suspect our old license plates with "The Greatest Snow on Earth" has something to do with it. That and the winter Olympics. In case you're wondering, the other misconception is that we are all polygamists. For my junior year I went to school in Claremont California while I stayed with my uncle and I can't tell you how many times I was asked if I was a polygamist with several mothers. I laughed really hard the first time, but became alarmed when I was asked repeatedly--did they really think we all were compound polygamists? Crazy.
Moving on...over the last week the apricots on our tree have ripened to the point of falling to (or more accurately bombing) the ground. Walking in the backyard is like an exercise in trying to avoid land mines. (No disrespect to those who have to endure the real danger of actual land mines.) Both the kids and our two dogs have graciously brought the apricot jam into the house and I am constantly cleaning my light carpet. I am also constantly battling mud from our gardens--my husband assures me that picking weeds while the soil is wet is the only way to go, but I'm convinced there HAS to be a better way.
Today was our 'Pick Up All the Smooshed Apricots Day' and while doing, the little dog decided to do a full on back scratch against the blades of grass and yep--on top of a couple freshly shattered apricots. Totally oblivious to the fact that he was sporting new orange spots, he then sat down in it. Lovely. He gets up and mashed apricot pieces wave in his airstream, clinging to the long hair of his bushy tail as he trots toward the house. My hubby intercepts him just in time and hands him off to me. I gave him a very thorough bath and focusing on the positive, he actually looks quite handsome again--it's amazing how dingy he can get without me noticing. He is white and tan, not a mottled creamy cappuccino, who knew?
I just came back out post-scrub and blow-out (just kidding), I came back out to chill in the shade and play on my laptop in my now nice, apricot-free backyard. All of a sudden the leaves shake and bam! an apricot falls. One minute later, bam, bam, bam. In the few minutes I've been sitting here 8 have fallen. The little dog was initially excited and ran to grab the apricot but backed off after it disintegrated from his bite. Both the dogs are now on high alert and I have to admit that I am too. I'm a little concerned I--but most importantly, my laptop--might become casualties. The little dog just took shelter under my chair and our lab must think this is a good plan because he's pushing the little one out and keeping it all for himself. Dogs are so funny. Holy crap! I honestly just got nailed! Luckily it only hit my right arm. While it has been said that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, I'm not sure this applies to apricots. It's time to go in...
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